When Talking About Romance, Sex and Love. Soseki, Ogai, Hongo Ward and Its Periphery



When Talking About Romance, Sex and Love. Soseki, Ogai, Hongo Ward and Its Periphery








film installation (urban essay film set in the old Hongo ward neighbourhood), reading cafe (reading and tea-drinking gatherings) and one-on-one dialogue tours

19th to 22nd December 2019 at Tokyo Arts and Space, Hongo (TOKAS Hongo)

Organiser | Tokyo Arts and Space, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture

OPEN SITE 2019-2020 ‘We, Questioning Norms of Love and Sex, and Attempting to Build Love Relationships with Hongo’

Subtitle: When Talking About Romance, Sex and Love. Soseki, Ogai, Hongo Ward and Its Periphery





主催|公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 東京都現代美術館 トーキョーアーツアンドスペース

OPEN SITE 2019-2020「性愛規範を問い、本郷との恋愛を試みる私たち」



For whom interested in participating in this project





How to participate?

1. Anonymous questionnaire about norms and values around love and sex in Tokyo or Japan (now open from here)

2. Join the reading cafe (by reservation only) *it’s over now

3. Join the one-on-one dialogue tour (by reservation only) *it’s over now

4. Watch the essay film at TOKAS in Hongo. Have a conversation with Kakinoki if you feel like it. Kakinoki will be here with the English teas, biscuits, and Japanese historical snacks (‘rakkato’) which Soseki enjoyed in his time, and books. *it’s over now



1. 東京あるいは日本における、恋愛や性に関する規範や価値観についての匿名アンケートへのご協力をお願いします(こちらから募集中です)

2. リーディングカフェに参加する(要予約)※終了しました

3. 一対一の本郷ツアーに参加する(要予約)※終了しました

4. 本郷のTOKASでエッセイ映画を観る。気が向いたらKakinokiと話をする。漱石が飲食していた英国の紅茶、ビスケット、下谷の落花糖、本とともにお待ちしております。※終了しました




Through Natsume Soseki and Mori Ogai, stories based on Kakinoki’s experience and thought, interviews and dialogues, and questionnaires and correspondence with anonymous people, we think and talk together about romantic love and sexual love. It consists of an urban essay film set in the old Hongo Ward neighbourhood, a reading cafe (reading and tea-drinking gatherings), and one-on-one dialogue tours. With participants and audience in Hongo, we consider the present and future of romance, sex and love.

With the exhibition overall, Kakinoki focused on starting conversations around the present and future of romance, sex and love with different people from and outside of queer communities. Each mode had a different level of engagement required for the audience. One happened in the exhibition room. A large table and chairs surrounding it were placed in the middle of the room. Kakinoki invited the audience to a spontaneous tea gathering after they watched the film, and they had a conversation over sugar-coated peanuts by Irimame Rakkasei Yamaguchiya, biscuits by Huntley & Palmers and tea by Lipton, which Soseki loved. The film was Kakinoki’s confession and served as an introduction to the conversations. There were three modes of communication. The second was also in the room, but in a more set-up situation. Kakinoki announced a few books related to love and sex, and novels written by local authors (Soseki and Ogai) beforehand. The participants booked for the reading and tea-drinking events. They and Kakinoki gathered and conversed at a specific time in the room without an audience. The third mode requires the most engagement from the audience. Kakinoki announced various routes in the old Hongo ward, and topics related to romance, love and sex found in the local novels, allocated to each route. The participant booked one of the routes, met Kakinoki for the first time at the chosen route's starting point, and took an hour-long one-on-one dialogue tour.

*Kakinoki was at the venue except during the dialogue tours and breaks. His up-to-date schedule was announced on Twitter @abirdwhale and at the venue.




展示全体においてKakiokiが試みたことは、クィア・コミュニティ内外の異なる人々と、「恋とセックスと愛の今とこれから」について会話を始めることだった。そこにはコミュニケーションのモードが3種類存在し、それぞれ異なるレベルの負荷を観客に要求した。一つは展示室内で起こるもの。大きな机とそれを囲むいくつかの椅子が部屋の中心に置かれた。机の上には食器が用意されている。彼はエッセイ映画を観終えた観客を突発的なお茶会に誘い、漱石の愛した「いり豆落花生 山口屋」の落下糖やHuntley & Palmersのビスケット、Liptonの紅茶を囲んで、話をした。エッセイ映画は、Kakinokiの告白であり、会話の導入として機能する。二つ目は同じ部屋だが、よりセットアップされた状況において発生した。Kakinokiは愛とセックスに関するいくつかの本と、地元の作家(漱石と鷗外)による小説を事前に告知した。読書会とお茶会のイベントを予約した参加者たちとKakinokiは決まった時間に集って、観客のいなくなった部屋で会話をした。観客にかかる負荷は、三つ目のモードにおいて最も大きくなる。Kakinokiは旧本郷区を巡る様々なルートと、各ルートに割り当てられた、地域に縁のある小説の中の恋とセックスと愛に関係するトピックを発表した。参加者はルートの中からひとつを予約した。選んだルートの出発地点で参加者とKakinokiは初めて出会い、一対一の対話ツアーを一時間に渡っておこなった。

※Kakinokiは対話ツアー実施時と休憩時以外、会場に在廊した。在廊時間については Twitter @masatokakinoki および当日の会場にて随時知らせた。




Talk About Experiences: Hongo Ward and Periphery (urban essay film, single channel video with stereo audio, 48 mins)


The artist’s sexual and romantic development during his childhood and adolescence is projected onto the old Hongo ward and its neighbourhoods. By juxtaposing the writings of Mori Ogai and Natsume Soseki, both of whom walked around the region, with his texts, he speaks about his own experiences from a distance where subjectivity and objectivity mingle. Besides, the topography of Hongo related to its slopes and rivers, which was depicted by Ogai and Soseki, remains the same today, but what is built on top of it has changed, and there are many things that are no longer seen or heard. Hongo’s scenes, which incorporate such changed and unchanged things, are superimposed by the permanence and transformation of the taboo consciousness of romance, sex, and love. I create my work to consider the current normative consciousness, in an open manner, rather than accepting it as self-evident.

The authors of the intertitles are Ogai, Soseki, the characters in their novels, Nietzsche, who is quoted in the novels, Goethe who is structurally connected to Soseki’s work, and the artist himself. The protagonists in the intertitles age from six to forty-two, referencing the structure of Vita Sexalis written by Ogai in 1909. Whereas their age increases linearly, the time each idea is uttered goes back and forth between 1772 and 2019. The artist treats romantic feelings, sexual feelings, and feelings of love as related but separately observable for thinking. Revisiting the twists of those is extremely personal, yet it also functions as questioning universally.

The images and sounds were filmed and recorded in the process of exploring Hongo and its memory, which Ogai and Soseki used as the setting of their novels. The artist saw this process as an act of building a platonic love relationship between him and Hongo. This is also why, when filming and recording, he used the filter whether or not he had any emotional or sexual elation for that place at that time. The act of establishing a romantic relationship with such a place is a practice of ‘romance away from the flesh,’ as Soseki considered, and at the same time, it is an act of looking from the outside at the normative consciousness that assumes a sexual relationship with a human of the opposite sex as ‘normal’ romantic love.


2019/12/19 (Thu) 11:00-19:00

2019/12/20 (Fri) 11:00-19:00

2019/12/21 (Sat) 11:00-19:00

2019/12/22 (Sun) 11:00-13:40 16:00-19:00


Free (no booking required)


Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo Space A (1F)


《閲歴を話す 本郷区と周縁》(都市エッセイ映画、シングル・チャンネル・ビデオ、ステレオ音声、48分)




映像と音声は、鷗外と漱石が小説の舞台とした、本郷とその記憶を巡る過程の中で撮影、録音された。Kakinokiはこの過程を、彼と本郷の間に、精神的恋愛関係を構築する行為として捉えた。撮影、録音に際して、その時間のその場所に対して、彼の中に感情的あるいは性的な高揚があるかどうかをひとつのフィルターとしたことも、このことに由来する。こうした場所との恋愛関係を築く行為は、 漱石が考察した「肉を離れた恋愛」の実践でもあると同時に、異性の人間と性愛関係を築くことを「普通」の恋愛とする規範意識を、外から見る行為でもある。


2019年12月19日 (木) 11:00-19:00

2019年12月20日 (金) 11:00-19:00

2019年12月21日 (土) 11:00-19:00

2019年12月22日 (日) 11:00-13:40 16:00-19:00




トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷 スペースA(1F)




Reading Cafe

They are reading and tea-drinking events. We will have read the books, and have conversations together with a cup of tea.

You need to have read the books, but skip reading is also fine as long as you have the subjective sense of having read them.


2019/12/19 (Thu) 19:30-21:00

And Then by Natsume Soseki and『愛』 (講談社現代新書) [Japanese only] by Tomano Ittoku

2019/12/22 (Sun) 14:00-15:30

Vita Sexualis by Mori Ogai and 『生きる哲学としてのセックス』 (幻冬舎新書) [Japanese only] by Yoyogi Tadashi

The participants were given three sheets of letter paper. At the top of each one, they were asked to write: ‘unforgettable old memories for me about sexual feelings’, ‘unforgettable old memories for me about romantic feelings’, and ‘unforgettable old memories for me about feelings of love’. While Kakinoki was making tea, they quietly faced those questions with a pen.


Free (booking required)


Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo Space A (1F)


5 for each




参加には本の「読了」が必要ですが、飛ばし読み、つまみ読みも含め、 主観的に「読んだ」と感じられる状態であれば大丈夫です。漱石と鷗外に関しては、オンラインで無料閲覧できる青空文庫でも問題ありません。


2019年12月19日 (木) 19:30-21:00


2019年12月22日 (日) 14:00-15:30






トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷 スペースA(1F)






One-on-one Dialogue Tour

The participant and Kakinoki will ‘encounter’ and, ‘converse’ while strolling.

Please choose meeting points, approximate routes, and starting topics will be according to your interests and convenience.

The locations will be in the old Hongo ward neighbourhood (including Bunkyo ward and Ueno). The topics will be around romance, love and sex, including the ones related to the area, Soseki and Ogai.

*You can still participate if you can’t walk. Please contact TOKAS after reserving your slot.









The actual routes and finishing points can change according to the dialogue, walking speed, and the frequency of breaks.

There is no need to read some material beforehand.

The additional information to recognise Kakinoki will be emailed by the day before the event.

What you need

  • Walking shoes

  • Warm outfit

  • Water or equivalent

  • Rain gear (when raining)

  • Money if you want to buy something during the tour *optional






  • 歩きやすい靴

  • 暖かい格好

  • 水分

  • 雨具(雨天時)

  • 飲食や買い物をツアー内でされたい場合、それにかかるお金 ※任意




2019/12/20 (Fri) 18:00

2019/12/20 (Fri) 20:00

2019/12/21 (Sat) 13:30

2019/12/21 (Sat) 15:30

*About 30-45 min per participant


Free (booking required)


1 for each tour



2019年12月20日 (金) 18:00

2019年12月20日 (金) 20:00

2019年12月21日 (土) 13:30

2019年12月21日 (土) 15:30








Dialogue Tour 1-A (tracing Mineko's living area from Sanshiro by Natsume Soseki)


対話ツアー 1A(夏目漱石『三四郎』美禰子の生活圏内を辿る道筋)


Google Map


Scheduled route and area

In front of Masago Central Library (4-8-15 Hongo, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0033)

> Tadonzaka

> Hongo Central Church (Hongo Chuo Kaido)

> Yayoi Gate, University of Tokyo

> Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo

> Kougakuzaka

> Sanshiro Pond

> In front of Cafe Rouault

Starting topics of the dialogue

Romance, marriage, free love marriage, family system, romantic love, Christianity, virginity, Sanshiro by Natsume Soseki















Dialogue Tour 1-B (tracing the way Sanshiro departs his lodging house and encounters Mineko at Sanshiro Pond from Sanshiro by Natsume Soseki)


対話ツアー 1B(夏目漱石『三四郎』で三四郎が下宿を出発し、三四郎池で美禰子に出会うまでを辿る道筋)


Google Map


Scheduled route and area

In front of St. Timothy's Church, Tokyo (1-3-12 Yayoi, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0032)

> Obake Kaidan

> Kurayamizaka

> Yayoi Gate, University of Tokyo

> Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo

> Kougakuzaka

> Sanshiro Pond

> In front of Cafe Rouault

Starting topics of the dialogue

Romance, marriage, free love marriage, family system, romantic love, Christianity, virginity, Sanshiro by Natsume Soseki















Dialogue Tour 1-C (encountering Mineko at Sanshiro Pond from Sanshiro by Natsume Soseki, strolling with Nonomiya in Hongo, and Old Hongo Masago-Cho)


対話ツアー 1C(夏目漱石『三四郎』美禰子との出会い、野々宮君との本郷散歩、旧本郷真砂町)


Google Map


Scheduled route and area

Yayoi Gate, University of Tokyo (2-4-5 Yayoi, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0032)

> Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo

> Kougakuzaka

> Sanshiro Pond

> Torsos of Erwin von Baelz and Julius Karl Scriba

> The side of Rinshōin

> Hongo Central Church (Hongo Chuo Kaido)

> Kaneyasu Building

> Takuboku (the site of the western restaurant in Sanshiro)

> Kikutsuki

> Tadonzaka

Starting topics of the dialogue

Romance, marriage, free love marriage, family system, romantic love, Christianity, virginity, Sanshiro by Natsume Soseki












→御菓子司 喜久月






Dialogue Tour 2-A


対話ツアー 2A


Google Map


Scheduled route and area

Romon, Nezu Shrine (1-2-2 Yayoi, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0032)

> Sendagi Fureai-no-mori

> Yabushita Dori

> Mori Ogai Memorial Museum

> Dangozaka

Starting topics of the dialogue

Pure relationship, Platonic love, sexual drive and will, Dangozaka (Dialogue) by Mori Ogai, 'Chapter 9 Cliff' in Hiyorigeta by Nagai Kafu










清い交際、精神的恋愛、性衝動と意志、森鷗外『団子坂(対話)』、永井荷風『日和下駄』「第九 崖」



Dialogue Tour 2-B (tracing the way the male student walks the female student to near her home from Dangozaka (Dialogue) by Mori Ogai)


対話ツアー 2B(森鷗外『団子坂(対話)』の男学生が女学生を家の近くまで送っていく道筋)


Google Map


Scheduled route and area

In front of TAYORI (3−12−4 Yanaka, Taito City, Tokyo 110-0001)

> Okakura Tenshin Memorial Park

> Fukumaru Manju

> Site of Biwa Bridge (Aizome Bridge)

> Dangozaka

> Mori Ogai Memorial Museum

> Yabushita Dori

> Sendagi Fureai-no-mori

> Site of Natsume Soseki's Former Residence

Starting topics of the dialogue

Pure relationship, Platonic love, sexual drive and will, Dangozaka (Dialogue) by Mori Ogai, 'Chapter 9 Cliff' in Hiyorigeta by Nagai Kafu













清い交際、精神的恋愛、性衝動と意志、森鷗外『団子坂(対話)』、永井荷風『日和下駄』「第九 崖」



Dialogue Tour 3-A


対話ツアー 3A


Google Map 1/2 2/2


Scheduled route and area

Site of Hongo Oiwake Ichirizuka (1-1 Mukogaoka, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0023) (in front of Wine & Liquor Takasakiya)

> Nou-Seimon Gate, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo

> Hidesaburo Ueno and Hachiko Statue

> St. Timothy's Church, Tokyo

> Shinzaka (Gongenzaka, S-zaka)

> Nezu Shrine

> Yabushita Dori

> Sendagi Fureai-no-mori

> Mori Ogai Memorial Museum

> Dangozaka

> Site of Biwa Bridge (Aizome Bridge)

> Hebimichi

> Miura-zaka Slope

Starting topics of the dialogue

Sexual drive, loss of virginity, sex without romantic love, rationality, sex and shame, heterosexuality and homosexuality, Seinen (Youth) by Mori Ogai



本郷追分一里塚跡(東京都文京区向丘1-1、ワイン&リカー タカサキヤの前)











→枇杷橋跡 (合染橋跡)







Dialogue Tour 3-B


対話ツアー 3B


Google Map


Scheduled route and area

Saigo Takamori Statue (1 Uenokoen, Taito City, Tokyo 110-0007)

> Ueno Toshogu Shrine

> Dr AF Bauduin Statue

> Shinzaka (Uguisuzaka, Negishizaka)

> Motomishima Shrine

Starting topics of the dialogue

Sexual drive, loss of virginity, sex without romantic love, rationality, sex and shame, heterosexuality and homosexuality, Seinen (Youth) by Mori Ogai












Dialogue Tour 4


対話ツアー 4


Google Map

Scheduled route and area

In front of the signboard at the entrance of Koshoji (15 Fukuromachi, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 162-0828)

> Jizozaka

> Ishikiri Bridge

> Nishiedogawa Bridge

> Nakano Bridge

> Shiratori Bridge

> Andouzaka

> Denzuin

> Hozoin

> Kongōji-zaka Slope

Starting topics of the dialogue

Love, romance, a married couple, love affair, social sin, nature and will, responsibility, commitment, rights, morality, Sorekara and Kokoro by Natsume Soseki

















Dialogue Tour 5


対話ツアー 5


Google Map


Scheduled route and area

In front of the signboard of Kaneyasu Building (2−40−11 Hongo, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0033)

> Korakuen Station

> Rekisen Park

> Kamitomisaka Church

> Korakuen Station

> Yanagimachi Naka-Dori

> Site of Natsume Soseki and Rojin's Former Residence (1-12 Nishikata, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0024)

Starting topics of the dialogue

Romance, sin, sacredness, love and sexual desire (spirit and flesh), jealousy, desire to monopolise, marriage and affection, Japanese customs, Kokoro by Natsume Soseki



かねやすビル「本郷も かねやすまでは 江戸の内」看板の前(東京都文京区本郷2-40-11)











Dialogue Tour 6


対話ツアー 6


Google Map


Scheduled route and area

Nishikanda Park (2-3-11 Nishikanda, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0065)

> Ikizaka (Ikidonozaka)

> Site of Shinbungakusha (2-57 Motomachi, Old Hongo)

> The University of Tokyo Hospital

> KOJIMACHI Coffee 東大店, South Clinical Research Building, University of Tokyo

Starting topics of the dialogue

Sexual desire, desire to have sex, love and passion; sexual awakening; filthiness of sexual matters, sexuality (heterosexuality, homosexuality, pansexuality, asexuality, demisexuality and so on), monoamory, polyamory, masturbation, Vita Sexualis by Mori Ogai







→麴町珈琲 東大店(東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 南研究棟、下宿屋上条跡)





Dialogue Tour 7


対話ツアー 7


Google Map


Scheduled route and area

KOJIMACHI Coffee 東大店, South Clinical Research Building, University of Tokyo (7−3−1 Hongo, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0033)

> Tetsu Gate, University of Tokyo

> Muen-zaka

> Former Tram Stop

(> Ueno Toshogu Shrine) *optional

> Nakamachi Dori

> Yushima Tenmangu

> Rinshoin

> Tetsu Gate, University of Tokyo

Starting topics of the dialogue

Romance, longing, intoxication, illusion, insanity, timing and romantic love, coincidence, mistress, extramarital romantic relationship, marriage and sex, The Wild Geese (Gan) by Mori Ogai



麴町珈琲 東大店(東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 南研究棟、下宿屋上条跡)
















References [to be updated]

Quotes in the film (in the order of appearance)

Vita Sexualis by Mori Ogai (Aozora Bunko, published on 12 October 1999, updated on 25 April 2006)

Vita Sexualis by Mori Ogai (Shincho Bunko, Shinchosha, June 1993)

Vita Sexualis by Mori Ogai, translated by Ninomiya Kazuji and Sanford Goldstein (Kindle ed., Tuttle Publishing, 20 December 2011)

New Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary (Second edition) (iOS ed., MONOKAKIDO, ver. 1. 5. 2, published on 8 December 2014, updated on 4 March 2019)

The Wild Geese by Mori Ogai (Aozora Bunko, published on 17 October 2005, updated on 28 July 2014)

The Wild Geese by Mori Ogai, translated by Ochiai Kingo and Sanford Goldstein (Kindle ed., Tuttle Publishing, 11 April 2011)

The Wild Goose by Mori Ogai, translated by Burton Watson (Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 1995)

The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, translated by Takeyama Michio (Kindle ed., Iwanami Bunko, Iwanami Shoten, published on 25 April 1951)

The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, translated by Stanley Appelbaum (Kindle ed., Dover Dual Language German, Dover Publications, 5 September 2013)

Youth by Mori Ogai (Aozora Bunko, published on 22 December 2000)

Youth by Mori Ogai, translated by Ono Shoichi and Sanford Goldstein, in Youth and Other Stories edited by J. Thomas Rimer (Google Books ed., University of Hawaii Press, May 1994)

Kokoro by Natsume Soseki (Kindle ed., Iwanami Bunko, Iwanami Shoten, 16 May 1989)

Kokoro by Natsume Soseki, translated by Meredith McKinney (Kindle ed., Penguin Classics, 19 January 2010)

Kokoro by Natsume Soseki, translated by Edwin McClellen (Kindle ed., UNESCO Collection of Representative Works, Peter Owen Publishers, 1 April 2017)

Sanshiro by Natsume Soseki (Kindle ed., Iwanami Bunko, Iwanami Shoten, 16 April 1990)

Sanshiro by Natsume Soseki, translated by Jay Rubin (Kindle ed., Penguin Classics, 26 November 2009)

And Then by Natsume Soseki (Kindle ed., Soseki Collection, Shueisha Bunko, Shueisha, 23 October 2013)

And Then by Natsume Soseki, translated by Norma Moore Field (Kindle ed., Tuttle Classics, Tuttle Publishing, 20 December 2011)

The Joyous Science by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, translated by Murai Norio (Kindle ed., Kawade Bunko, Kawade Shobo Shinsha, 4 October 2012)

The Joyous Science by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, translated by R. Kevin Hill (Kindle ed., Penguin Classics, 6 December 2018)

The Gay Science by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, translated by Josefine Nauckhoff (Kindle ed., Cambridge University Press, 23 August 2011)

The Joyful Wisdom by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, translated by Laurus Book Society (Kindle ed., Laurus Book Society, 2 January 2020)

Nowaki by Natsume Soseki (Aozora Bunko, published on 24 February 1999, updated on 18 April5)

Nowaki by Natsume Soseki, translated by William N Ridgeway (Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies Book, University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies, 2 February 20)






小学館ランダムハウス英和大辞典 第2版(iOS版、物書堂、バージョン1.5.2、2014年12月8日公開、2019年3月4日更新)







フリードリヒ・ニーチェ著、村井則夫訳 『喜ばしき知恵』(Kindle版、河出文庫、河出書房新社、2012年10月4日)

