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ICLI 2018

  • Casa da Música Av. da Boavista 604-610, 4149-071 Porto Portugal (map)


Act: Study
Subject: History
Topic: _

In this performance, fixity and fluidity of history, digital materials and of acts of documenting and recording will be explored by improvising the act of studying history, and improvising with the immediate recordings of the act. The recorded sounds of reading, writing, squiggling and perhaps occasional mumbling will be fluidified through the author’s physical manipulation. What the author does in the performance can be regarded as learning, examining, organising, disorganising, manipulating or forging both certain history and the act of learning it.

The nature and the poetic sentiment of learning are other inherent elements behind the performance. The author is working on research-based art practice, particularly interested in the field of the culinary culture and human history, and of the sexual and marital culture and human history. He exposes his ongoing research process in the format of performance.

Keywords: fluidity, fixity, physical presence, performance, improvisation, history, learning, digital audio, audiovisual, Derivative TouchDesigner, Cycling '74 Max


Act: Study
Subject: History
Topic: _



キーワード:流動性、固定性、肉体的存在感、パフォーマンス、即興、歴史、学ぶということ、デジタルオーディオ、オーディオビジュアル、Derivative TouchDesigner、Cycling '74 Max
